Subscription renewal

Go to the Subscriptions section in personal area. Choose the game accounts for which you want to renew the subscription and select the renewal period (Picture 1).

Picture 1. Renewal of several subscriptions

Click the button Renew and the confirmation window of subscription renewal will be open. Press OK to complete the operation (Picture 2).

Picture 2. Payment confirmation

A profitable system of discounts is providing while buying AltaBot. The amount of discount depends on the renewal period and the number of game accounts for which the subscription is simultaneously renewed. For example, if you renew the subscription for a one game account over 90 days, the discount will be 13% and 27% for the simultaneous subscription renewal of three accounts for the same period.

Simultaneous one-click subscription renewal is a prerequisite for receiving a discount! If you first renew one account and after a while another, the discount will not be granted.

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